Thursday, June 21, 2007

Sustained By The Faithfulness of God

Before reading below please read 1 Corinthians 1:1-9

Tonight I had the joy of listening to a sermon by pastor John Piper titled "Sustained by the Faithfulness of God." The purpose of his message was to give those listening a crystal clear understanding of our identity as Christians. Our identity as Christians is not in what this world establishes identity in such as what materials we possess, what people we love, or what we achieve. Our identity as Christians is soley based on who we are in relation to our calling into the fellowship of Jesus Christ.

In his sermon pastor Piper declared two questions that should sum up our entire identity and our entire purpose in our lives. They are "What happened in the past to make you a Christian?" and "What will happen in the future to keep you a Christian?" His answers to these questions are as follows : What happened in the past to make you a Christian? - The Call of God. What will happen in the future to keep you a Christian?The Faithfulness of God. But what does this mean you ask? What this means is that we are all Christians because God CALLED us unto himself. He sought as out when we knew him not. He pursued our hearts in order that we might answer his call with faith in Christ. He invited us to share in the Glory of himself by an eternal fellowship with him in Heaven. Secondly God will keep us following him until the end of our lives because of his faithfulness! God will not abandon those whom he has called! He is faithful to the end! Verses 7-9 states that we are not lacking in any spiritual gift in Christ who will sustain us until the end, guiltless in the day of the Lord Jesus because GOD IS FAITHFUL. Praise GOD for pursuing us throughout our lives, continually bringing us back to himself that our hearts might love him, yearn to be with him, desire to sing praises of his faithfulness, and seek to follow him all the days of our lives. Thank you Lord for continually pursuing me and calling me to share in the fellowship you have given us through your son Jesus Christ. When I have strayed you have sought out this foolish sheep and carried me back into the company of your love.You are faithful oh my ROCK and my SALVATION, you will forever remain faithful oh Father of Glory!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Thank you Lord for Worship

In the midst of pain the Lord's Glory shines the brightest. In the depths of sorrow the Lord appears most powerful. At the end of hope the Lord shows us his son Jesus.

Every word of this song is resonating with my heart today. May the meditations of these words encourage you today as well my dear friends.

Scattered words and empty thoughts
seem to pour from my heart
I've never felt so torn before
seems I don't know where to start
but it's now that I feel Your grace falls like rain
from every fingertip, washing away my pain

[Chorus:]I still believe in Your faithfulness
I still believe in Your truth
I still believe in Your holy word
even when I don't see, I still believe

Though the questions still fog up my mind
with promises I still seem to bear
even when answers slowly unwind
it's my heart I see You prepare
but its now that I feel Your grace fall like rain
from every finger tip, washing away my pain


The only place I can go is into your arms
where I throw to you my feeble prayers
in brokeness I can see that this was your will for me
Help me to know You are near

[Chorus:]I still believe in Your faithfulness
I still believe in Your truth
I still believe in Your holy word
even when I don't see, I still believe

- " I Still Believe" by Jeremy Camp

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Life can be so difficult sometimes. I'm in a season where my heart is aching for restoration. I am yearning for something more, something lasting. Whether that is in my relationships or my time in the Word. I yearn for something deeper. It is so hard to understand why the Lord puts us through these trials that test every ounce of endurance and faith we have. Sometimes I feel like I can't go on and make it to the end. But I see the Lord drawing me so close to him that I hold on to him with white knuckles, clinging to the only fortress in my life that will protect and sustain me. OH LORD won't you bless this prodigal son who seeks after you? Won't you restore me as you restored Job when he had passed his season of adversity? For Job was more richly blessed after his trials than he ever was before them. Let it be so with me oh Lord. And like Jacob.. if it means laboring for 14 years to attain that which I love with all my heart Lord as Jacob loved Rachel grant me the patience and perseverance to make it to the end. Sustain me on this journey and carry me in your hand, for there is no other place I would rather be Lord than to be in your presence. May you recieve Glory as a result of our worship after this season has produced the change in our hearts that you seek.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The righteous humility of Abigail

Before you read this entry please read 1 Samuel 25.

Today there are a ton of things going through my mind. One of them is the issue of love. I greatly desire to love someone and marry them and spend my life with them. But ultimately I have to trust that God will provide that someone in his timing and ultimately for his Glory. Today I was reading 1 Samuel 25. I was sooo impressed with the character of Abigail that I think I want to name my first daughter after her! Seriously! She was soo humble and in one with God that she approached King David in a manner of protecting him from making a grave mistake that would plaque his name and character for the rest of his life. She pleaded with him to reconsider his actions. When David heard all that she had spoken he said " Blessed be your discretion, and blessed be you who have kept me this day from bloodguilt and from avenging myself with my own hand!" WOW. Abigail's character and steadfast spirit in keeping with the commandments of God saved the lifes of many many people that day. Later on David decided to marry Abigail! Can you imagine the love that David must have possessed for this woman who served him in leading him back to righteousness? As I think about how this applies to my own life, I know that I have had many many people caution me on the way of my actions and desire for me to change. Rather than listening or being humble I have been foolish and disregarded their wisdom. But now, I beg of the Lord to bring those Abigail type people back into my life that we may rejoice in the Lord for their commitment to righteousness. I also pray Lord that you would bless me with an Abigail to marry so that we might grow in holiness and follow after you together until you call us home. Thank you Lord for the lesson of David's blessing through the righteous and humble heart of Abigail.

Stand In AWE And WORSHIP by Jeremy Riddle

"Verse 1: Gracious and astounding
God's love so confounding appears to us
In a cleansing flow of blood!
The Son left throne and glory,
Bore the Father's wrath and fury in our stead;
And for the sins of all He bled!

Chorus: Stand in awe and worship!
Raise a voice and worship;
Come adore
The King of kings and Lord of lords!

Verse 2: Behold the Lamb in Heaven
He was dead but God raised Him from the grave;
For His arm is mighty to save!
Now glorified and reigning
The keys of death and Hades in His hand;
And all hail the Lord of every man!

(Chorus 3x)The King of kings and Lord of lords."