Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Made silent by the love of God

It is a sad thing; a christian who rises and lies down each day without acknowledging the God that gives him life, breath, existance. A condemnation that is all too often a reflection of my life, thoughts, and daily perspectives. How often do we the creation of God stop to acknowledge his existence, his patience with us, his endless mercy that waits patiently for our return to his presence as we eventually become aware and despise the frequency of our earthly pursuits of vanity?

If there is one thing (in my opinion) that plagues the church, American Christianity, and my life it is the lack of silence and solitude before the Lord. Why do we as children of the Living God so seldomly stop to thank him, speak to him, worship him with hearts captivated by his love for us? Why do we go through our daily tasks only stopping to ask for help when it seems hope is lost and we are unable to ascend the mountains in our distance? Oh for a faith that depends on God for every breath, for every moment stopping to speak his name and ever looking toward pleasing him alone. Oh for a faith that wraps itself in the promises of God spoken through scripture memorization, meditation, and daily reflection! I want to be made silent by the love of my God! To be mesmerized by his attributes and speechless before his majesty. To look to HIM for help, protection, and fulfillment.

This world is passing away and all its pleasures are but for a moment....but our GOD will remain for all of eternity! Will we choose to chase after HIM every day of our lives? Help me oh Lord, and help your church to always take time each day to simply be speechless. To stand in silence and awe as we ponder who you are and who you have made us to be. Our God will never leave us, never forsake us, and will always remain the same. His GLORY will be from everlasting to everlasting. May this meditation in our silent hearts be pleasing before you our God and King. Amen