Sunday, July 22, 2007

Beauty of the Unknown

Hello friends! I hope you're having a wonderful Sunday praising the Lord! This afternoon I was sitting at my desk playing guitar and suddenly my heart was filled with hope at the knowledge that the Lord will lead me through the unknown. Although I haven't written a song for quite some time, I felt that I needed to write down these words and sing them back to the Lord. I just thought I would share this song with you in hopes that it might be an encouragement to you as well. There is something absolutely beautiful about the unknown of our lives. God knows where our lives will lead and it is an overwhelming joy to know he will always be working for our good and His Glory! May we run with courage as we see his Glory being revealed day by day throughout the earth!


Beauty of the Unknown

I see mountains in the distance, skies of greatest brilliance, fields of deepest green
Yet what’s before me is unseen
And I see hope beyond all measure, God become my dearest treasure, captivating this empty heart, Christ broke my chains and set me free.

I am entering the unknown, walking with the Lord, through a place that’s not my home.
I am running for his Glory, letting my life reveal HIS story, seeking to give him all my praise, for from the depths this heart he raised. I am seeing the beauty of… my life’s unknown.

He has planned an everlasting story, into my life his love he’s pouring, as I seek to find my way, through these trials and these days, yet I will sing upon his goodness, letting his holiness consume us, for he has died to set me free and his little child I’ll always be.


For in my weakness I am strong, Jesus said the journey may be long, still he will be here right beside me always there to help and guide me, so I’ll never stop this race as I seek to see his face, Father let me run the narrow path and never once let me look back.

I am entering the unknown, walking with the Lord, through a place that’s not my home.
I am running for his Glory, letting my life reveal HIS story, seeking to give him all my praise, for from the depths this heart he raised. I am seeing the beauty of… my life’s unknown.
- by Jason Handke (July 2007)

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