Sunday, October 19, 2008


When everyone needs compassion,
And love that never fails,
Let mercy fall on me

When everyone needs forgiveness,
Kindness of the Saviour
The Hope of the nation

Saviour, He can move the mountains,
My god is mighty to save,
He is mighty to save
Forever author of salvation,
He rose and conquered the grave
Jesus conquered the grave

So take me as you find me
All my fears and failures
Fill my life again

I give my life to follow
Everything that i believe in
Now i surrender (and i surrender)


(Bridge:)Shine a light in and let the whole world see
Singing, for the glory of the risen king

Jesus, Shine a light and let the whole world see

Singing for the glory of the risen king

Saviour, He can move the mountains,
My god is mighty to save,
He is mighty to save

Forever author of salvation,
He rose and conquered the grave
Jesus conquered the grave
- "Mighty To Save" Laura Story (2008)

Monday, September 15, 2008

Running On Empty

On a dreary and rainy day last week a common occurance in my weekly routine arose once more. I peered down at my fuel gauge while cruizing along I-35 in Kansas City to notice that my fuel was on empty and my gas light was soon to appear to remind me of the need to refuel immediately.

This scenerio has been far too often the case in my driving days in the last few years. As a result of being a poverty stricken college student as well as beginning a new job in a new town I have often found myself hoping and praying that my tank of gas will last me as long as possible before I am obligated to fill up and endure the ever rising expense of gasoline. As I finally begin to climb out of a poor economic state with the blessing of my new job I cannot help but look at this situation in perspective of my Christian faith and evaluate its similarities to my daily triumphs and failures at this Christian life.

How often do we find ourselves as Christians merely trying to get by? How often do we look at our daily struggles and wonder if there is any hope of peace, security, and joy in this difficult life? How often do we allow our resevoir of fellowship, prayer, opportunities for evangelism, and time before the Lord in his Word to dwindle to life threatening levels? How many Christians in this modern day are under the false security of being ok but in reality are one catastrophy from hitting rock bottom? These thoughts draw me to question: Why do we continue to exist in a state of need when the supply is so ever present and available at a cost that is not our own?

I am reminded of the words of Psalm 23 which say - "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lordforever." Oh what hope and peace are given in these words! Our shepard has provided our green pastures and taken us to still waters! Let us eat and drink and take in our fill of his good measure!

Furthermore these words must be our call to delight in the presence and faithfulness of the Lord to supply our every need with his closeness to our requests- "There is a joy which is not given to the ungodly, but to those who love Thee for Thine own sake, whose joy Thou Thyself art. And this is the happy life, to rejoice to Thee, of Thee, for Thee; this it is, and there is no other."- Augustine of Hippo

Brothers and sisters... if you are like me and have found yourself traveling this Christian road alone, weary, disheartened, and empty... won't you fill yourself from the resevoir of our Glorious Lord's faithful love? Won't you ask another to join you in prayer, commitment to the daily reading and meditation of Gods word, and to travel with you? I am learning the absolute necessity of fellowship in this Christian life... It is time to pause and allow the Lord to fill us with Himself before we continue one more day in a state of emptiness. Restore our souls oh Lord... restore us once more.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Made silent by the love of God

It is a sad thing; a christian who rises and lies down each day without acknowledging the God that gives him life, breath, existance. A condemnation that is all too often a reflection of my life, thoughts, and daily perspectives. How often do we the creation of God stop to acknowledge his existence, his patience with us, his endless mercy that waits patiently for our return to his presence as we eventually become aware and despise the frequency of our earthly pursuits of vanity?

If there is one thing (in my opinion) that plagues the church, American Christianity, and my life it is the lack of silence and solitude before the Lord. Why do we as children of the Living God so seldomly stop to thank him, speak to him, worship him with hearts captivated by his love for us? Why do we go through our daily tasks only stopping to ask for help when it seems hope is lost and we are unable to ascend the mountains in our distance? Oh for a faith that depends on God for every breath, for every moment stopping to speak his name and ever looking toward pleasing him alone. Oh for a faith that wraps itself in the promises of God spoken through scripture memorization, meditation, and daily reflection! I want to be made silent by the love of my God! To be mesmerized by his attributes and speechless before his majesty. To look to HIM for help, protection, and fulfillment.

This world is passing away and all its pleasures are but for a moment....but our GOD will remain for all of eternity! Will we choose to chase after HIM every day of our lives? Help me oh Lord, and help your church to always take time each day to simply be speechless. To stand in silence and awe as we ponder who you are and who you have made us to be. Our God will never leave us, never forsake us, and will always remain the same. His GLORY will be from everlasting to everlasting. May this meditation in our silent hearts be pleasing before you our God and King. Amen

Sunday, April 27, 2008

From the Inside Out

As my life goes forth day to day there is an overpowering truth that resonates to the depths of my soul and fills this man with a sense of awe that leaves me speechless and amazed.

The Glory of the Lord lasts FOREVER.

One day my life will be drawn to a close. This heart will cease to beat, and my journey will be complete. I will take a stand among the men and women that have traveled before me. There in that place I will witness the presence and majesty of the God that I have yearned to behold all the days of my life. I will finally stand in the midst of the creator; in the courtyard of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. In that place I will join in the chorus singing "Holy, Holy, Holy Is the Lord God Almighty. "

I cannot begin to understand why the Lord chooses to love us; to continually bestow mercy and love upon the most foolish and stubborn of beings. Oh the treacherous thought of the frequency that this heart has wandered from the truth and commandments of the King of Kings. How foolishly wicked our hearts are apart from the consuming holiness of the great Yahweh. Desperately, and with absolute hopelessness in my own consistency and strength, I hold fast to the promises of God's faithfulness. I know my failures, they are EVER and ALWAYS before me. I have failed innumerable times in living according to the calling which I have recieved; to follow hard after Christ all the days of this life...

One prayer gives me hope. That the faithful and everlasting Lord would consume this man with holiness by the delight of being in the midst of the Almighty. That this man would be consumed from the INSIDE - OUT by the powerful hand of the God who is seated in the heavens. For before I was concieved and after I am gone the Lord has and will always recieve the praise and worship that his Holy name DEMANDS! The Everlasting King and the Light of the Earth will shine when ALL else fades; His Glory and fame will continue throughout eternity.

Let the words of this song be the meditation of our hearts Oh Lord. For YOU are our merciful and loving king, work in our hearts to love you from the inside --> out with every breath that we take until you call us home to behold your awesome and everlasting GLORY.

A thousand times I've failed
Still your mercy remains
And should I stumble again
Still I'm caught in your grace

Everlasting, Your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending, Your glory goes beyond all fame
In my heart, in my soul, Lord I give you control
Consume me from the inside out Lord
Let justice and praise become my embrace
To love You from the inside out

Your will above all else, my purpose remains
The art of losing myself in bringing you praise

Everlasting, Your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending, Your glory goes beyond all fame
In my heart, in my soul, Lord I give you control
Consume me from the inside out Lord
Let justice and praise become my embrace
To love You from the inside out

-"From the Inside Out" - Jeff Johnson

Saturday, April 12, 2008

He Rose!

A prophesy foretold,
A king born to men,
A love the world had never known
But he was crucified

On the third day he rose again
That’s when the meaning of my life began
Because he rose
Jesus he rose
My life’s been forgiven this world holds no power
He rose
Jesus he rose
My lifes been redeemed this prisoner set free
Death where’s your sting? Cause he rose

Death made into life
Now I have been made new
I’m no longer bound by sin or shame
Cause it was crucified with you

On the third day he rose again
That’s when the meaning of my life began
Because he rose
Jesus he rose
My life’s been forgiven this world holds no power
He rose
Jesus he rose
My life’s been redeemed this prisoner set free
Death where’s your sting? Cause he rose

Scorn and broken he was nailed to a tree
He was crushed to bring God glory and set the sinner free
Death was beaten, Satan seized of all his power
Hallelujah Jesus won the victory

He rose
Jesus he rose
My life’s been forgiven this world holds no power
He rose

Jesus he rose
My life’s been redeemed, this prisoner set free
Death where’s your sting? HE ROSE!

(-Lyrics by Jeff Johnson "He Rose" 2007)
"Then He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures, and He said to them, "Thus it is written, that the Christ would suffer and rise again from the dead the third day, and that repentance for forgiveness of sins would be proclaimed in His name to all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem. And He led them out as far as Bethany, and He lifted up His hands and blessed them.While He was blessing them, He parted from them and was carried up into heaven. And they, after worshiping Him, returned to Jerusalem with great joy, and were continually in the temple praising God." - Luke 24: 45-47, 50-53

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Of Godly Fear

Of godly fear delightful unto thee,
That fear that God himself delights to see

Bear sway in them that love him? then he will
Thy godly mind in this request fulfil.

By giving thee a fear that tremble shall,
At every trip thou takest, lest thou fall,

And him offend, or hurt thyself by sin,
Or cause poor souls that always blind have been

To stumble at thy falls, and harder be
Against their own salvation and thee.

That fear that of itself would rather choose
The rod, than to offend or to abuse

In anything that blessed worthy name,
That hath thee saved from that death and shame;

That sin would soon have brought thee to, if he
Had not imputed righteousness to thee.

I will love them, saith God, and not depart
From them, but put my fear within their heart,

That I to them may always lovely be,
And that they never may depart from me.

-John Bunyan (1628-1688) "Of Godly Fear"

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Ruin me... until its You Alone I live for

Hello friends, I heard this song on the way home from work and I love the heart of the lyrics and the desire that the Lord would tear down any structure of sin or selfish gain in our lives and ruin our kingdom to establish the Lord's Kingdom ALONE in our lives! ~Destroy the idols and sin in our lives oh Lord until our lives and love are completely and forevermore wrapped in the beauty of your presence~

“Ruin Me” by Jeff Johnson (Isaiah 6)

Woe to me I am unclean
A sinner found in Your presence
I see you seated on Your throne
Exalted, Your Glory surrounds You


Now the plans that I have made
Fail to compare when I see your glory

Ruin my life the plans I have made
Ruin desires for my own selfish gain

Destroy the idols that have taken Your place
‘Till its You alone I live for, You alone I live for.


Holy Holy is the Lord Almighty
Holy is the Lord! Holy Holy is the Lord Almighty
Holy is the Lord!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Walking In The Garden

"And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden." - Genesis 3:8

This morning when I awoke it seemed that my life and so many things around me are in a state of confusion; a state of disarray. So I spent the next 3 hours reading in the bible, with a following time of prayer and quiet private worship with my guitar before the Lord. Questions of the Lord's will for my life and his ways unfolding before me were in the forefront of my mind. How greatly I plead before the Lord that he would unfold a path before me of joy and restoration rather than a renewed pain and uncertainty. The more I read the Word of God the more I longed to be in his presence and away from this crumbling and perishing world and its painful endeavors.

As I was reading this morning, this verse in Genesis came to my mind. In the beginning Adam walked in the garden with the Lord on a daily basis. He walked along side with the Lord! I can barely begin to fathom the deep and beautiful intimacy that Adam shared with the Lord. He walked and talked and dwelt with the LORD! Man was fulfilling his purpose; delighting in the presence of our creator, walking in the love and joy of being with our beloved.

How far this world has fallen from that very beginning. How wretched our hearts have become since that time! Even when sin entered the world Adam and Eve hid from the Lord as they heard him approaching. As I look at this world around me with the death, idolatry, perversion, brokenness, and sin accursed existence I cannot help but long for the presence of my Lord. I yearn for the restored fellowship with my creator. I yearn for an existence that is not tainted by unrighteousness and the foolishness of my own heart and ways. I plead for the continued presence of the Lord through his Holy Spirit to delight in making us holy; to delight in changing our ways and changing our hearts to prepare us to share in the everlasting and future glory of our Lord in heaven.

If there is one thing I could wish for during this life on earth; it is to walk with the Lord in the garden. To walk with my eyes, my heart, and my life captivated on the presence of my Lord. Only then will this heart finally be fulfilled. Only then will this man be drawn into the paths of certainty; the paths of security I seek. How wearied I am from continued heartache and uncertainty and how difficult to love with selfless abandon. Only by dwelling alone in the peaceful garden of prayer and fellowship with the Lord on a daily basis will I become the man God made me to be... a man after God's own heart.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Give Me Jesus

In the morning, when I rise
In the morning, when I rise
In the morning, when I rise,
give me Jesus

Give me Jesus,
Give me Jesus,
You can have all this world,
But give me Jesus

When I am alone
When I am alone
When I am alone,
give me Jesus

Give me Jesus,
Give me Jesus,
You can have all this world,
But give me Jesus

When I come to die
When I come to die
When I come to die,
give me Jesus

Give me Jesus,
Give me Jesus,
You can have all this world,
You can have all this world,
You can have all this world,
But give me Jesus

- "Give Me Jesus" lyrics by Fernando Ortega

"For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his life? Or what shall a man give in return for his life?" - Matthew 16:26

"How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord of hosts! My soul longs, yes, faints for the courts of the Lord; my heart and flesh sing for joy to the living God." - Psalm 84:1-2

Thursday, February 28, 2008

People NEED The LORD!

"When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd." - Matthew 9:36

Tonight at work the Lord used an opportunity to bring me to a silence of heart and an overwhelming sense of guilt and inadaquacy before the Lord...

As I was working tonight an older gentleman who also works at Home Depot approached me and we started talking about morality issues. After a bit of a discussion he made known to me that he believed in a "higher power" and that we possess a "conscience" but he believed we are free to follow our "pleasures" in this life... And everyone is entitled to pursue their own "purpose." Upon asking him if he believed that at the end of our lives we will bear consequences to the lives we lead, he fully agreed. The part that broke my heart was his concluding statement... He said that nothing in this life is known, and we have no way to find it out until we die; so he has decided to wait until then to see what the "truth" is. { Does that hit you as hard as it hit me?}

This man has decided to wait upon death to discover truth! But friends by then it is too late! The scales of judgement and the eternal wrath of an angry God will have been established. There is no going back once death has consumed our souls. And after death....judgement.

"And just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment, so Christ... will appear a second time... to save those who are eagerly waiting for him." - Hebrews 9:27-28

Immediately after talking to him, my heart was in pieces. How could I being a professing follower of Christ live my life on daily basis without thinking of the men and women like this all around me? How have Christians fallen so far away from our original purpose? How many times in a day does my heart scream to tell the gospel to the dying world around me? How often do I BEG and BEG and BEG the LORD to open the eyes and hearts of the world to recieve his love and turn from their wicked way and attain SALVATION THROUGH JESUS CHRIST! I DON'T! Oh Father forgive me... and forgive your church. By our silence Father, we disobey you and we allow the people of this world to enter into your eternal wrath and judgement where there is great and endless weeping and nashing of teeth, a place of eternal fire...

I pray that the Lord will change our hearts... Change our hearts and lives Lord, to be for one purpose and one purpose only. TO KNOW THE LORD, AND TO MAKE HIM KNOWN AMONG THE EARTH!!!!

On my way home from work the words of this song played over and over in my mind...

Everyday they pass me by,
I can see it in their eyes.
Empty people filled with care,
Headed who knows where?

On they go through private pain,
Living fear to fear.
Laughter hides their silent cries,
Only Jesus hears.

People need the Lord, people need the Lord.
At the end of broken dreams, He's the open door.
People need the Lord, people need the Lord.
When will we realize, people need the Lord?

We are called to take His light
To a world where wrong seems right.
What could be too great a cost
For sharing Life with one who's lost?
Through His love our hearts can feel
All the grief they bear.
They must hear the Words of Life
Only we can share.

People need the Lord, people need the Lord.
When will we realize that we must give our lives,
For people need the Lord.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

More Than a Friend

In the quiet of my soul
In the stillness
I hear Your voice call
And I am overwhelmed
And I am lost for words
To describe You

Jesus You're more than a friend
Jesus You're more than my heart could ever express
Your love and Your grace never fail me
Your merciful touch always heals me
You bring joy to my soul

My heart longs to worship You my King
And I long to bring You a pleasing offering
And I am overwhelmed
And I am lost for words
To describe You

Jesus You're more than a friend
Jesus You're more than my heart could ever express
Your love and Your grace never fail me
Your merciful touch always heals me
You bring joy to my soul

-Lyrics by Jeremy Riddle ( Full Attention )

"Your hands have made and fashioned me; give me understanding that I may learn your commandments. Those who fear you shall see me and rejoice,because I have hoped in your word. I know, O Lord, that your rules are righteous, and that in faithfulness you have afflicted me. Let your steadfast love comfort me according to your promise to your servant. Let your mercy come to me, that I may live; for your law is my delight." - Psalm 119: 73-77

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Moment of Truth

Friends, I heard this song this evening and the lyrics are very powerful! When we look at this life and Satan wants our hearts to fall into dispair; cast your eyes on Jesus and remember the moment of truth that he died for your sins and now sits at the right hand of GOD in heaven above. At that moment, the moment of truth, eternity shook with the worship of God. Go back to the moment of truth....


You got your hand on the door
And you're ready to walk out
Well, the fight that you had filled your mind up with all this doubt
And you're losing your mind and losing your faith
And you can't remember why you fell in love in the first place

Go back, go back to the moment of truth
When she walked down the aisle and you first said, "I do"
When this life makes you wonder what have you got to lose
Go back, go back to the moment of truth

You got your hand on a habit
And you can't seem to let it go
It used to be your escape now it's out of control
And now it's you in the mirror
But you don't recognize your face
And you're looking for a reason not to throw it all away

Just go back, go back
To the moment of truth
With three words, "It's a girl"
And she looks just like you
When this life makes you wonder what have you got to lose
Go back, just go back to the moment of truth

You got your hand on the Bible
But your heart feels like stone
'Cause you think that you've made too many mistakes to come home
And you're losing your will and you're losing your faith
And now you wonder if you even believed in the first place

Just go back to the moment of truth
When you first talked to Jesus
And He reached out for you
He's still reaching, He's still reaching out for you
So when this life makes you wonder what have you got to lose
Just go back, just go back
To the moment of truth

-"Moment of Truth" lyrics by Matthew West (2008)

Sunday, January 20, 2008

A Wife Of Virtuous Character

Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies. She opens her mouth with wisdom, And on her tongue is the law of kindness. Her children rise up and call her blessed; Her husband also, and he praises her:” Many daughters have done well, But you excel them all." Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, But a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised. " - Proverbs 31: 10,26,28-30.

In my postings on this website I have strived to speak mainly on the goodness of the Lord and of His endless faithfulness rather than things that daily concern or trouble me. However after the Lord speaking so powerfully in our church service today, I greatly feel the need to write out these thoughts that are flowing through me.

Today’s message was on "Holding the High Ground" and holding marriage up in honor to all. This message brought my heart to tears. It was convicting, reassuring, and encouraging all at the same time. A vast sea of emotions flowed through me. I am so excited for the opportunity of marriage some day. I can't wait to serve my wife, to know her in a depth no one else does, and to love her to the best of my human abilities. I cannot wait to grow in holiness and fear of the Lord with her as she sharpens my character and challenges me to grow in different aspects as I challenge her as well. I eagerly rejoice in the thought of her comforting kindness and tender touch as she extends a listening ear to my daily joys and frustrations. How wonderful of a gift it is that the Lord would bless a man with a woman to be his helper and encourager throughout all of life's endeavors. Thank you Father for seeing that "it is not good that man be alone" and allowing us to grow in union with one other person in becoming one through the covenant of marriage.

As I ponder and pray for my future helper, several things enter my mind. I pray the woman that falls in love with me will not fall in love with me, but rather the Lord's light shining through me. If her love was based on my personality or imperfect character then she is inevitably going to be disappointed and let down. But OH how I pray for a woman of virtuous character to fall in love with me despite all my imperfections because she knows that the God she serves will extend her the grace needed to love me through the good times and the bad. My heart yearns for a woman who will delight in my strengths as a man/husband/father and pray for my weaknesses. How greatly I pray for a woman that seeks God with her whole heart, leaning not on her own understanding, but in all her ways acknowledging Him as He directs her paths...

I am just a sinful man... striving to be used by the Lord... pleading for the Lord's blessing and holiness to flow through my life as his Holy Spirit dwells within me... and asking the Lord for the courage and strength to pick up my cross daily and follow Jesus... and on this journey of following Christ, may the Lord unite me with my wife in his timing and ultimately for His Glory! Amen.

Friday, January 18, 2008

The GOD of Jacob

"24 And Jacob was left alone. And a man wrestled with him until the breaking of the day. 25 When the man saw that he did not prevail against Jacob, he touched his hip socket, and Jacob's hip was put out of joint as he wrestled with him. 26 Then he said, “Let me go, for the day has broken.” But Jacob said, “I will not let you go unless you bless me.” 27 And he said to him, “What is your name?” And he said, “Jacob.” 28 Then he said, “Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel, for you have striven with God and with men, and have prevailed.” 29 Then Jacob asked him, “Please tell me your name.” But he said, “Why is it that you ask my name?” And there he blessed him. 30 So Jacob called the name of the place Peniel,saying, “For I have seen God face to face, and yet my life has been delivered.” - Genesis 32:24-30

In the course of reading through the bible in 2008, I have already in these last 17 days arrived at a conclusion. I am humbled and exceedingly overwhelmed with joy that I serve THE GOD OF JACOB. When Jacob's life is examined, the majority of his life was lived in a state of looking out for his own interests and paralzyed by fear as a result of his choices' consequences. He stole the birthright from Esau, fled his home to avoid his brothers wrath, was treated dishonestly by Laban, fled in fear the household of Laban, and convinced himself his brother would destroy him upon his return. But something amazing happened to Jacob on his return home. He contended with God.

Jacob wrestled with God pleading for his blessing upon his life. As a result not only did Jacob's life change but his name reflected this change. Jacob began to live in state of awe of the Lord. No longer did he live looking out for his own interests but he began to look after his family; even asking Esau to allow them to travel at their own pace in returning home so his livestock and family would survive the journey. Jacob began to ask the Lords blessing on his life rather than attempting to cheat, steal, and negotiate his own wealth and happiness.

When I observe Jacob's life, I begin to notice the multiple parellels of his life to my own. How often have I lived in a state of fear too scared to trust in the Lord? How often have I tried to gain my own happiness rather than waiting and pleading before the Lord for his blessing and favor? Far too often have I sought my comfort and enjoyment before addressing the needs of others. Yet, I serve a God who will bring us to a place; a wilderness, where we will ultimately contend with the GREAT I AM and our focus will forever shift to pleasing Him ALONE. OH the fulfillment our souls will attain as we are made new in that place where we will be given a new name! A name marked by the interceding mercy of our Lord. A name displaying the faithfulness of our Glorious Father always working to bring his children back to his heart. A name marked by the sacrifice and love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who took our place bearing our shame and attaining our eternal salvation! The God I serve is proud to be known as the God of Jacob because when his creation contends with the Lord of Hosts we have but one thing to say : Soli Deo Gloria! - To GOD alone be the Glory!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Let It Be Said...

Over the course of the past few weeks I have had ample time to think about many things in my life. What is my purpose? My direction? My passion in this world? Furthermore, what will I be known for when I die? What will people remember of this life I lived? These questions have driven me to strive that people might say one all encompassing statement of my life. "HE WORSHIPED GOD."

But of all the things people could say or remember you for why choose worship you ask? Because worship is the defining characteristic that not only fulfills our God given purpose in this world but ultimately it will satisfy our hearts with overwhelming joy. When we draw into a spirit of worship to our GLORIOUS LORD we empty our lives of ourselves. We throw away meaningless attempts at self-induced satisfaction and we open our lives for God to reveal his Glory through, manifest his blessings within, and encompass his presence in our souls. When we worship God he gladly dwells within us. I love the Old Testament story of David dancing before the Lord with overwhelming joy when the Ark of the Covenant or the "dwelling place" of the Lord was returned to Jerusalem.

"And it was told King David, "The Lord has blessed the household of Obed-edom and all that belongs to him, because of the ark of God." So David went and brought up the ark of God from the house of Obed-edom to the city of David with rejoicing. And David danced before the Lord with all his might. So David and all the house of Israel brought up the ark of the Lord with shouting and with the sound of the horn." - 2 Samuel 6:12, 14-15

David couldn't contain his excitement that the distinguished presence of the Lord was once again in their midst. HOW MUCH MORE should the sons and daughters of God rejoice that through the blood of Jesus Christ his spirit dwells forever within us!!! Let us fall down with face to the ground in private heart churning worship before the Lord as we meditate on his goodness to us.

Our days are few; our lives echoing in eternity. May I and may the children of God live in light of eternity. May our days be filled with thoughts of future glory in the presence of God. May this life I live and the heart songs I give echo as beautiful music in the ears of my Lord. May it ultimately be said of me... He Worshiped God.