Sunday, January 20, 2008

A Wife Of Virtuous Character

Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies. She opens her mouth with wisdom, And on her tongue is the law of kindness. Her children rise up and call her blessed; Her husband also, and he praises her:” Many daughters have done well, But you excel them all." Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, But a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised. " - Proverbs 31: 10,26,28-30.

In my postings on this website I have strived to speak mainly on the goodness of the Lord and of His endless faithfulness rather than things that daily concern or trouble me. However after the Lord speaking so powerfully in our church service today, I greatly feel the need to write out these thoughts that are flowing through me.

Today’s message was on "Holding the High Ground" and holding marriage up in honor to all. This message brought my heart to tears. It was convicting, reassuring, and encouraging all at the same time. A vast sea of emotions flowed through me. I am so excited for the opportunity of marriage some day. I can't wait to serve my wife, to know her in a depth no one else does, and to love her to the best of my human abilities. I cannot wait to grow in holiness and fear of the Lord with her as she sharpens my character and challenges me to grow in different aspects as I challenge her as well. I eagerly rejoice in the thought of her comforting kindness and tender touch as she extends a listening ear to my daily joys and frustrations. How wonderful of a gift it is that the Lord would bless a man with a woman to be his helper and encourager throughout all of life's endeavors. Thank you Father for seeing that "it is not good that man be alone" and allowing us to grow in union with one other person in becoming one through the covenant of marriage.

As I ponder and pray for my future helper, several things enter my mind. I pray the woman that falls in love with me will not fall in love with me, but rather the Lord's light shining through me. If her love was based on my personality or imperfect character then she is inevitably going to be disappointed and let down. But OH how I pray for a woman of virtuous character to fall in love with me despite all my imperfections because she knows that the God she serves will extend her the grace needed to love me through the good times and the bad. My heart yearns for a woman who will delight in my strengths as a man/husband/father and pray for my weaknesses. How greatly I pray for a woman that seeks God with her whole heart, leaning not on her own understanding, but in all her ways acknowledging Him as He directs her paths...

I am just a sinful man... striving to be used by the Lord... pleading for the Lord's blessing and holiness to flow through my life as his Holy Spirit dwells within me... and asking the Lord for the courage and strength to pick up my cross daily and follow Jesus... and on this journey of following Christ, may the Lord unite me with my wife in his timing and ultimately for His Glory! Amen.

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