Thursday, August 23, 2007


Today my heart is pondering the beauty that the Lord has created on this earth and the beauty of his holiness. Our God is HOLY with radiating splendor! He is more beautiful in his glory than our earthly eyes can look upon, more dazzling in unapproachable light than our minds can imagine! God is HOLY and the heavens and earth tremble before his majesty! He is all powerful, for he speaks and his creation came to be. When I think of his holiness and our contrasting abhorent and evil souls I am lost in the uncomprehendable thoughts that he makes us beautiful and holy through the blood of Jesus. He makes us beautiful... through the depths of his love and the sacrifrice of Jesus upon the cross. Friends we can't even begin to comprehend the love the Father has for us! God became man in flesh and died for his own creation! What love, what sacrifice, what an amazing, wonderous, and BEAUTIFUL God we serve! Let us never cease to sing praises to the Lord by the lives we live. Let us lead lives that are worthy of the sacrifice Jesus paid for our souls to dwell with the Father forever! DON"T WASTE YOUR LIFE! Let us be beautiful in your eyes Jesus; for you made us beautiful through your love.

Reflections of Beauty
- The morning sun breaking forth from the horizon and the setting sun
- The words of truth in the bible
- Mountains in all their earthly splendor
- The radience of a bride on her wedding day
- A heart that seeks after God
- The beloved of your life and her captivating presence
- Selfless love
- The heavens above, the stars and moon, and celestial wonders
- Clouds of deepest blue, laced with lightning, and thundrous song
- Flowers of sweetest fragrence, and colors of great array
- Mercy and grace from the Lord for his redeemed children
- The continual changing of christians becoming more like Jesus
- The Holiness of God

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