Sunday, August 5, 2007

Worthy of the Call

"To this end we always pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of his calling and may fulfill every resolve for good and every work of faith by his power, so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ." 2 Thessalonians 1: 11-12

Dear friends, I would like to deviate from the norm of my posts today to fill you in on some of the recent events in my life. This past week the pastor I meet with weekly(Bob Flack of Grace Baptist) invited me to join a fraternal group of men seeking seminary. It's a very small select group of men that Pastor Flack personally invites to join the fraternal and they spend large amounts of time with him and the other members of the fraternal at conferences, seminars, and when guest speakers come into Manhattan or nearby towns discussing the word and practical application in our lives. This group of men are men that pastor would like to get to know in a deeper way in order that he can reference their character and integrity to an admissions counsel at seminaries across the country. With my commitment to this group I am opening my life to the possibility of attending seminary after I graduate from Kansas State University.

The other opportunity I have been presented with this week is the opportunity to be a youth leader for middle school- high school men at Grace Baptist Church. If my application is accepted by Pastor Vaughn of GBC, I will be in charge of about 8-12 young men and mentoring them in faith and their daily lives. I will have opportunities to meet with each one weekly and pray, encourage, and inspire them to live their lives for the Glory of the Lord alone. It is a big role to take on, but with the Lord as my strength, my wisdom, and my joy I know he will be able to accomplish great things through my meager attempts at obedience to his calling.

Friends, I write these things that you might be in prayer for me if you desire to. I am facing great opportunities to be used of the Lord in these two paths. Please pray that the Spirit of the Lord would rest upon me in the same way it did to David in 1 Samuel 16:13. May his Spirit accomplish its work in my own heart, that I might lead others to offer up their lives in worship to the Lord and to the proclamation of his name to the nations. Please pray that my life might become worthy of the great calling I have recieved as a child of God. To God be the Glory. Amen

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