I want to break free from the troubles of these days. I want to soar with the past to my back and my face to the SON. I want to strive to attain the seemingly impossible; to reach for the unreachable; to ask for the unfathomable.
My heart is restless. I am a Dreamer. I plead before the Lord for great blessings flowing from his delight in providing for his children. Things that our faith can seldomly allow us to believe. I believe we were created for more than what our narrow perspectives allow us to see, for more than merely making it through these days of our dissappearing lives.
I am but dust. My time on this earth is but a whisp of smoke. Here one minute and finished in the next. Will my life be worth more than the foolish pursuit of selfish gain? More than temporal and carnal enjoyment? Oh LORD I want to break free from the entanglements of this life. How greatly I yearn to praise you! How desperately I cling to your promises pleading that you would use your chosen people to bring some praise to your name.
In this season my heart is downcast oh Lord. I am lonely, battered, yearning for the restoration of joys I once knew. Alas, in such a time as this your love is ever before me. Exceedingly more, I hide in the protection of your provisional care. You are my God, and I am but a thread in the woven fabric of your eternal story of your immeseaurable goodness.
Let me break free Lord. Let my past and sins of betrayal to your name be forgotten and removed as far as the East is from the West. Oh Father, grant your church the ability to forgive, the grace to love sinners who are seemingly unloveable, the hope that you can and will do all things for your Glory. Grant us Oh Lord the measure of faith we need to make it through these days as we seek to please you alone. Let your redeemed children break forth in songs of praise to your faithfulness as we wait for the day when at last our souls will find their resting place in the presence of our Almighty God. Until then Lord, I pray ... help us to rejoice in our daily tasks; basking in the freedom that Christ purchased for us on the cross.
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