Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Call On The Lord

When we are ready to listen, God speaks. The Lord has really been working on my heart tonight. He is revealing so many things that are not of him. I ache as new memories continually come to mind of how I've mistreated others, sinned against the Lord, and allowed my selfish nature to squander the many blessings the Lord has given me. So many opportunities, so many blessings, so many things that the Lord gave me and I never even stopped to say thank you to him. I never took the time to praise him for all he's done for me. Instead I wasted them, and once they are gone all I have now are the lessons I'm left with and the guilt I bear for my foolishness. I am a fool; a sinner to the foremost.

Tonight in my devotional it was talking of how prayer changes us. The chapter it followed was Matthew 6 and specificly verse 8. It reminded me that a big reason we pray is not to inform God of our needs because he already knows them. Rather its for our own benefit in revealing that we cannot create anything on our own. God provides for us in every detail of our lives. We pray so we can learn to say Thank You with a humbled heart to a God who so richly blesses those who so leastly deserve it.

Two verses the Lord brought to my attention for meditation tonight.
"But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. " - Matthew 6:33

"Out of my distress I called on the Lord;the Lord answered me and set me free." Psalm 118:5

These verses were of the richest truth tonight because I have realized all night how foolish I am, and how greatly my words and actions have hurt others. But these verses bring me hope. If I whole-heartedly seek the kingdom of God and his RIGHTEOUSNESS then he will most certainly CHANGE ME! Not only that but in my distress of knowing my sin and it being ever before me I cry to him and he sets me free from that knowledge of my sin against him. He doesn't want me to suffer alone. He carries my burdens for me. All I can say in summary is that God is humbling this foolish sinner and helping me to see that God will take my prodigal ways and use them to show me what a loving Father he is. Show me your Glory Lord, and may my life forevermore reflect the evidence of dwelling within your presence.

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